Blog News
Blind Maze
On the top of my Roof
You must NEVER stop! Today it rains, indeed it pours cats & dogs but I Want to Sudare does not stop! We do it at my house, indeed on the roof of my house !!! I wait for you on Buona HeatherVisione HPA

La contraddizione dei nostri tempi
Caro Salvatore Calanna, avevo deciso di non rispondere più ai commenti intrisi più di derisione e acidità che di voglia di confronto e dialettica costruttiva. Ma hai toccato con grande ignoranza (intesa nel suo...
Talking about Raffaella Carrà
On I will be talking about Raffaella Carrà. From "Carràmba! Che Sorpresa" to "Hello, Raffaella?", I experienced each and every one of our encounters with profound esteem, respect and admiration. Working with...
I Want to Sudare Teaser
Wow !!! A Roaring Boom !!! The HeatherVisione community has become numerous and, I am thrilled. I would like to thank each and every one of the many new members of my new Web Television Channel Tell you what, I will do it...
Heather's Taste Buds
On HeatherParisiTv you see me doing what I like to do the most. And just few of you know that one of my truest passions is cooking. I inherited my passion for cooking from my grandfather Frank who, emigrated to Sacramento, created a chain of...

How to register to HeatherParisiTv
To watch my TV Channel HeatherParisiTV you need to register on You can click on the Banner on the side or directly on (which is a different website from my...
Blind Maze: ragazzi con la pelle sottile
| 1
From May 18th Blind Maze is available on The film is written, produced and directed by Heather Parisi who, with this creation, intended to give space and visibility to the faces of unknown Italian teenagers, but with an...
I Want to Sudare
"I Want to Sudare" is a HeatherParisiTv series dedicated to gymnastics available on After a year of doing "forced bed rest" I decided that it was about time, to get myself in gear, and get those workout clothes on, sweating up...
Heather Parisi Tv è HeatherVisione
Here we are! The time has finally come... O May 18th, my Web TV channel will be born and, I have butterflies in my stomach as in my debut at the San Francisco Ballet. On my TV, I tell in a simple way and with a...

Disinformation is worse than censorship
Press Area | 1
Gentilissima Redazione di The Italian Times Gentilissima Eleonora Lorusso, I admit that I have not been a frequent visitor with the Italian press since I moved abroad 12 years ago. I don't even know how I came across your article of April...
Heather Parisi: contro il pensiero unico. L'intervista di Massimo Mazzuco
Interviews | 4
Thanks to Massimo for the very pleasant chat. HPA

The right man and the right age
I keep receiving, in private, letters from women desperate to find the right man, or woman, to become mothers at an older age. They compliment my tenacity and my desire to have children at 50. Which, at the time, caused a bit of a stir !!! There...

I have a sacred respect for the dead, but for me, every death has the same dignity.
Dear @mariapiride, @ ........., @ Talking nonsense is when we speak without knowing the subject, a bit like when we pretend to explain what is happening in Hong Kong without even living there. But I have lived in Hong Kong for more than ten years...