Blog News
Blind Maze

Hong Kong, 12/02/2023 In merito alle interpretazioni date da una parte dei mezzi di informazione, relativamente ad un passaggio della mia intervista a “Il Fatto Quotidiano” del 5 novembre 2023, desidero chiarire che le mie...

Fondazione Dottor Sorriso
Until April 29th we support the solidarity campaign "The magic of a smile" to help the Doctor Smile Foundation to make the hospitalization of children hospitalized more serene through Smile Therapy. The funds raised will support the activities of...
The Other Side of Midnight
In the past few weeks, I have witnessed with dismay a media frenzy and lynching carried out by those who use public TV for personal vendettas. And what was I ever going to do that was so terrible that I deserved this treatment? The...
I Want to Sudare Teaser
Wow !!! A Roaring Boom !!! The HeatherVisione community has become numerous and, I am thrilled. I would like to thank each and every one of the many new members of my new Web Television Channel Tell you what, I will do it...
Heather's Taste Buds
On HeatherParisiTv you see me doing what I like to do the most. And just few of you know that one of my truest passions is cooking. I inherited my passion for cooking from my grandfather Frank who, emigrated to Sacramento, created a chain of...

How to register to HeatherParisiTv
To watch my TV Channel HeatherParisiTV you need to register on You can click on the Banner on the side or directly on (which is a different website from my...
I Want to Sudare
"I Want to Sudare" is a HeatherParisiTv series dedicated to gymnastics available on After a year of doing "forced bed rest" I decided that it was about time, to get myself in gear, and get those workout clothes on, sweating up...
Heather Parisi Tv è HeatherVisione
Here we are! The time has finally come... O May 18th, my Web TV channel will be born and, I have butterflies in my stomach as in my debut at the San Francisco Ballet. On my TV, I tell in a simple way and with a...
Il mio video per Verissimo
Quella sotto riportata è la versione integrale del mio video trasmesso da Verissimo il 2 Maggio 2020. Avrei preferito che fosse trasmesso nella sua versione originale vista la delicatezza degli argomenti trattati. Non è facile...

Fake Interview
When you read interviews that you have NEVER EVER given, when people know your life better than yourself, well, this must mean you have become a "famous someone". I have NEVER given any interviews or statements regarding...

Dangerous Liaisons (not friendship)
I swear, I didn't want to reply, but how can I explain to my children why someone called me mentally ill? Lucio Presta’s statement to Adnkronos on April 9, 2019 “Heather is ill and suffering from a typical syndrome of todays day...

Ignorantia non excusat
I note with regret that for someone, Democracy means "my ignorance is worth as much as your knowledge" (Isaac Asimov). To him / her, I say that: Hong Kong is NOT included in the list of tax havens drafted and updated by the Italian Ministry of...

Women's Role in the Italian Society
A few weeks ago I received a letter from the Petrarch Committee, which is made up of an informal group of citizens that aim to promote the development of the adjacent area at Viale Certosa and Viale Espinasse, in the north-western outskirts of...