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Blind Maze

Patience torture ....
Posted September 10th, 2015
We have been travelling to China for the past 10 years and have been living here in Hong Kong for the last 5 ... (I am repeating myself since people do OFTEN ask "Where do you live now?") ....
Getting somewhere by car, train or even plane, has always been easy as pie.
Until now ...
My wording will in no way come close to the ordeal we went thru this summer, when travelling from Hong Kong to Beijing and Shanghai.
I know that there are a lot of you who are on my same wave-length regarding this issue and anyone living here in China, will understand exactly what I am talking about ...
Thank God our twins, Elizabeth and Dylan, have been on airplanes since they were 2 months old and are unwavering troopers ... Everywhere they go, we are complimented on their ability to be "SILENT AND INVISIBLE".
In their backpacks, they have their own Samsung Note with dozens of their favourite movies inside (Mamma Mia, The Secret Garden etc), goodies made especially by me for anything they desire. They are, in no way, shy when asking a flight attendant for another yoghurt or more fruit for breakfast, let alone asking for a glass of something to drink. They will pick up a conversation with anyone sitting near them ...
Leaving for Beijing was pure agony and we were literally on the airplane for 10 hours, when it is only a 2 1/2 hour flight!! ... Call it whatever you please from, "air traffic" .... "weather problems" .... "Military problems" .... "summer problems" ....
There were PROBLEMS ...
We landed (after almost 6 hours of being prisoners on the runway in Hong Kong) at an airport 1 hour outside of Beijing. They said it was because of the rain, but you must know that it SNOWS in Beijing in the wintertime, so...............?!? ...
After 1 hour of not understanding what our destiny was, the plane took off for Beijing and we arrived with an almost 8 hour delay ...
Well, believe you, me, I thought I was ready for anything after that trip.
But the trauma we underwent next time around, was "Patience Torture" ...
Shanghai was even more exhausting. Since they already knew that ALL FLIGHTS (besides the first 2 in the early morning) would be delayed, they let us lounge about at the airport, without a hint to "when and if" we would be departing. Arriving 1 hour prior and waiting 6 hours, for another 2 hour flight .... can begin to provoke your nerves.
I will cut to the chase ...
Leaving at 10:30 pm (22:30) from HK, we arrived in Shanghai at 1:15 am (in the morning!!) AND, had to wait ON THE RUNWAY for another hour and a half, so we could "park" ... Frustrating, I must say. I would have walked to the terminal!! ... There wasn't even 1 parking slot available for our plane, at 1:15 in the morning!!!! ...
People were speechless at this point and I was imagining this happening in the United States and the consequences ...
After 10 hours, we were sleep walking, enervated.
Arriving at 4:00 am in the morning to our hotel was like being in a foggy trance ...
Bed, bed, bed was the only thing on our minds ...
P.S. A week ago in Hangzhou, travellers held for hours on an airplane were furious when told the flight had been cancelled ... Their reaction?! They refused to get OFF the plane for 6 hours ... Pure masochism ...
September 10th, 2015 09:46
E dire che in Italia si pensava di essere i primi nei disservizi, ritardi, disorganizzazione, e chi più ne ha più ne metta. E non vuol essere certo una consolazione... Tutto il mondo è paese, quindi, ed è accertato felicemente e non. L'importante è essere in pace con se stessi, ovunque si sia scelto di vivere o dove le circostanze della vita ci hanno portato. E tutto il resto diventa superabile. Sii serena. Sempre.
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