
Heather Parisi

Supposing ....

Posted April 23th, 2015


There is a fantastic book that I read about in the South China Morning Post .... it will truly make you think that it is time to "make time for kids' free play" .... We need to spark up our imaginations ....

It isn't easy here in Hong Kong where children have a schedule much more complicated and strenuous than ours' ....

Piano and Violin are a must .... Swimming .... Tennis .... Martial Arts .... Fencing .... Rugby, Soccer, Cricket .... Mandarin .... Dance .... Phonics ...

Must I go on?!?

"Supposing" by Alastair Reid, is a book that, in my modest opinion, will open up our creative minds into a make-believe world .... Here are a couple of examples:

"I read a book about how to change into animals and said a spell and changed myself into a cat and when I climbed on the book to change myself back, I found couldn't read........"

"I had a twin brother and we never told anyone and went to school half the time each........"

This book lets you indulge in all of the no no's of today ....

Come on, kids aren't supposed to do anything, right?! Well, what if you really didn't do any of those things, what if you just imagined them? ....




April 23th, 2015 13:48

Ci sono scuole prestigiose anche in Italia, basta cercarle. Un bambino deve essere impegnato e stimolato nel fare e nell'apprendere senza MAI dimenticare che è sempre e solo un bambino...

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