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Blind Maze

Dangerous for pedestrians and not....
Posted March 26th, 2015
Hong Kong, China
While reading this "screaming headline" in the South China Morning Post this morning, I was not caught off guard.....because I live here, but for other Americans and not, it might come as a shock ....
"Van driver fined HK$ 4,500 over death of British cyclist but cleared of dangerous driving" ....
So we now understand that a cyclist's life is worth no more than 500 euro ....
Banker Colin Robertson was only 39 years old when a 55 year old van driver, Lam Wing-sang, collided into him, killing him. He was riding his bicycle along the South Perimeter Road near the Hong Kong Airport and didn't have the proper "night " clothing on. He wasn't wearing the reflective and fluorescent clothing but dark ones ....
As she sentenced Lam in Tsuen Wan Court, Magistrate Debbie Ng Chung-yee said, "The defendants careless driving behaviour and the deceased's unwise cycling on that road ... led to the misfortune."
Lam also had his license suspended for one year ....
I believe that Hong Kong is one of the few cities, where pedestrians do NOT have the last word, they actually have no word at all ....
Jaywalking is one of the most dangerous things to do here and, just simply walking down a normal street, even on a sidewalk, can become hazardous .... I am not pulling your leg here, I am as sincere as can be ....
March 26th, 2015 13:58
E' tutto un attimo... In un battito di ciglia si cancella una vita... Triste destino e triste presa in giro...
March 26th, 2015 15:53
. . anche se qui in Italia meglio che ce ne stiamo zitti riguardo sentenze per incidenti di questo tipo e anche piu' gravi, vedi disastro Concordia et similia. . .
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