
Heather Parisi

Nemica Amatissima Report Card 2

Posted October 30th, 2016



The Report Card regarding my second week of "Nemica Amatissima":


10. Butterflies in my stomach: when you enter "Teatro 5 di Cinecittà" you can feel it.

9. To Giada Curti: she is a sophisticated artist with unbelievable talent who knows how to mix genuine simplicity of a woman and Mother, you become unique. She will be dressing me for Nemica Amatissima. 9 also goes to Silvia Frattolillo, the costume designer of Nemica Amatissima, impeccable as always. I love you...

8. To who knows how to change their mind. Before, during, after it doesn't matter. Doubting one's beliefs is difficult.

7. To the breezy lemon sunny days here in Rome. I can truly resist the humidity of Hong Kong for a month!!

6. Trust and encouragement to Nemica Amatissima's Facebook page. Come on, boys!!

5. To Dylan Maria who literally emptied 2 entire mini bars in our hotel. Bad bad boy!!!!

4. To all of you, and, there are many many many, that take life too seriously and don't accept......my Report Card. Really ?!?

3. To who doesn't go with the flow. 

2. To who wants me to dance, no matter what. I detest you, but I adore you, as well.

1. To Veronica and Fabrizio. You all know that I am an ambidextrous, but I never like starting from the left!!!!

0. To the Calendar Schedule of Nemica Amatissima: never is there a time that Lorella and I meet up, not even when we are in the same building! Will we at least meet on stage at Studio 5, Cinecitta'?





October 30th, 2016 15:24

1 a Veronica e Fabrizio!
Da domani ti massacreranno ancora di piu' in sala prove! ahahahahah

October 31th, 2016 00:23

Ha ha ha , il 4 ai permalosi è meritato ! Hey, io mi son beccata un voto ancora più basso, un bel 2, perché sto in quella citazione assieme a qualche milioncino di italiani che ti vorrebbero vedere danzare.... Chissà......nulla è fermo, con Heather potrebbe esserci la sorpresa dietro l'angolo ...

October 31th, 2016 15:11

Cambiare opinione è lecito, solo i folli non lo fanno, basta essere consapevoli che è un'arma a doppio taglio...

November 02th, 2016 15:18

Anche io ho preso il 2!!! balla ti pregoooo balla, balla, balla! e se proprio non vuoi....cambia ideaaaa!!!!!!

November 27th, 2016 07:43

Ballavi da dio!!!! Sarai mica una extraterrestre???

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