Blog News
Blind Maze

Supposing ....
There is a fantastic book that I read about in the South China Morning Post .... it will truly make you think that it is time to "make time for kids' free play" .... We need to spark up our imaginations .... It isn't easy here in Hong Kong...

Odd jobs .....
There is a book out called Odd Jobs: Potraits of Unusual Occupations .... It is actually from 2002 but these odd photos caught my rather alert eye .... From sniffing dog breath and armpits, to condom dinosaur bones dusters, to...

Gay themes .....
Singapore When I read "Row erupts over pulling of books with gay themes", I was too curious. Growing up in San Francisco and living 24/7 with my best friends, who happened to be gay boys (remember I was their "fag hag"), I just...