Blog News
Blind Maze
Free Mind
The Eleventh Hour
To all of you who are asking why I speak on my social profiles, with so much passion regarding worldwide news & current events...Never has there been a time that each and every one of us must let our voices be heard, to defend our right to...

The best of all worlds possible
In this day and age, hateful racism is still assuming the insidious form of distrust, suspiciousness and disdain, that often finishes with violence. The country that has absolutely nothing to teach, is of course mine, the United States, inwhich...

The Gospel according to Fedele Confalonieri
I do not hide the fact that over the past months I have received requests to participate on some Talk Shows. I have always considered Italian television, almost like a home for me. When the red light of the camera turned on, my only thought was to...

What is true, is what is true, for them ...
An article signed by Michelangelo Coltelli was reported to me on the BUTAC website entitled "Heather Parisi and the dead among those vaccinated against COVID-19 ..." The article refers to my Tweet on the report of PHE Public Health England...

They call us NO-VAX. Ignorant morons? No, criminals to be arrested
They call me NO-VAX, the same way they call NO-VAX just about 40% of the USA population and about 15 million people in Italy and who knows how many others in the world. But do you know who we are? For the mainstream media we are "the ugly, the...
Happy Birthday ... and ... Happy Anniversary
Umberto Maria... "Happy Birthday" ❤ ...and... ❤ "Happy Anniversary" my EFIL ... Our 1+1=1 has been "ion" since Day 1. We have been saying this to one another, for the past 16 years or maybe even longer because our existence was surely...

War of Classes
I'm tired of injustices and favoritism. Are there really still those who believe that we are all the same in the face of the tragedy of this pandemic? Are rules and restrictions inspired by strict health protocols and justified by scientific...

Follow the Yellow Brick Road
In our society we are indignant, we are moved, we are passionate only on command. It is enough for the TV and the mainstream media to snap their fingers and immediately the claque starts with whistles, tears or applause, depending on what...

L'incubo delle mascherine per le persone con disabilità uditive
Ho ricevuto questa e-mail e credo che valga la pena condividerla con Voi e con quante più persone possibili. Quando pensiamo alla discriminazione crediamo che sia solo per gusti sessuali, per etnia o per religione. Ma molto spesso la...
Somersault of logic
Six months ago, answering the question if I would get vaccinated, I said that "neither I nor my family would do it because I considered these vaccines against Covdi19 experimental" as admitted by the same pharmaceutical companies that produce them...

La contraddizione dei nostri tempi
Caro Salvatore Calanna, avevo deciso di non rispondere più ai commenti intrisi più di derisione e acidità che di voglia di confronto e dialettica costruttiva. Ma hai toccato con grande ignoranza (intesa nel suo...

The right man and the right age
I keep receiving, in private, letters from women desperate to find the right man, or woman, to become mothers at an older age. They compliment my tenacity and my desire to have children at 50. Which, at the time, caused a bit of a stir !!! There...

I have a sacred respect for the dead, but for me, every death has the same dignity.
Dear @mariapiride, @ ........., @ Talking nonsense is when we speak without knowing the subject, a bit like when we pretend to explain what is happening in Hong Kong without even living there. But I have lived in Hong Kong for more than ten years...