Free Mind

A proposito di abuso di potere

Free Mind | 2

  Vi riporto di seguito, per intero, il testo che il giornalista scientifico Luigi Bignami ha scritto su Facebook. «Un ciao a tutti. Da oggi non vedrete più servizi di Luigi Bignami sul telegiornale di Canale 5 (anche se ne...

Non dire che sei felice

Free Mind | 8

Si sa, di fessi che scrivono sui social è pieno il web. L’ultima che ho letto su FB è quella di chi scrive: “Diffidate sempre di chi ripete sono felice, sono sereno, amolamiavita. Stiamo parlando di un depresso che ancora...

Calling for Mommy

Calling for Mommy

Free Mind | 7

  Dear Maurizio Belpietro,   I know, I know, the screaming headline should have immediately warned me:  Are you looking for La Verità (The Truth)? You will find it at your nearest Newsstand. It only costs 1...

United Airlines from Hell.....

United Airlines from Hell.....

Free Mind | 4

United States   Words fail me even though I am here giving my opinion, regarding the United Airlines flight incident the other day ...  I have taught myself to think it over and not write immediately what is on my mind....reflect, then...


Free Mind | 7

Hong Kong    Applause for an artist, is the true climax of his/her relationship with an audience. For many, not for all. For a few, it is even the very same reason to be an artist. Not for me. I like to breathe in a smile, two...

The dystonia of the mâitre à penser of Italian journalism

Free Mind | 12

  The most repulsive and loathsome aspect of everything I have read these days in the Italian press, was to see a total dystonia by the entire elite of Italian journalism and without missing a beat, the Italian TV Star System, lining up...

Just call me Mother Grandmother

Free Mind | 20

In ITALY it only takes 7 minutes to lose your son and/or daughter.  The verdict from the Court of Appeals in Turin, which confirmed the adoptability of Gabriella Carsano and Luigi Deambrosis' daughter, meaning, that they can't raise their own...



Free Mind | 19

  A few days ago I fell upon a comment by an incredulous follower of Luogocomune ( who was flabbergasted by the images of Bin Laden, Aldo Moro, the moon landing, and by controlled demolitions, in the background, during one...



Free Mind | 6

  Dear Beloved Enemy,    The word "Trauma" comes from the Greek language (Tpaùma) and it means "wound". But, the same word in German (ein traum) means "dream" ... In the long run, it is a matter of with which eyes (or...

Doubts and certitudes ...

Doubts and certitudes ...

Free Mind | 4

  Rumour has is that being certain has a touch of beauty to it; but what is totally ignored is the subtle allure of being in doubt. Believing is very monotonous, dubiety is profoundly mind-blowing. And, it isn't a question of being modest, I...

Colouring Life....

Colouring Life....

Free Mind | 2

  Life... #iloveart   HP



Free Mind | 2

  "Oblivious" by Martine Emdur ...   HP


Italy's "Class Struggle" ...

Free Mind | 17

  Hong Kong is well known for being a "Money City" but it could be called a synonym of Car Paradise !! ... Nobody in Hong Kong would even dream of criticizing someone driving a luxurious car, and, on the contrary, at first thought, people...