Free Mind

Heather Parisi

If you want me to vote for you, tell me what you are going to do with my Freedom of Choice

Posted August 01th, 2022

I will never understand the reason why talking about such an important topic in our lives, such as our health, is not allowed to ordinary citizens and, as I read in many comments without originality, to dancers like me.

About our health, each and every one of us should talk all the time, asking questions and demanding answers, asking for explanations.

When I go to the doctor and I am not satisfied with his diagnosis, I ask another doctor for advice, who sometimes gives me a totally different diagnosis.

Does it mean that he is conspiracy theorist?

When I read: "science says", I ask myself which of the two doctors is science? The first, or the second one?

But the point of my Tweet yesterday, regarding the umpteenth Biden relapse with Covid, is different.

All the politicians who appear in the video (and of videos and characters like that, there are many others) have justified the limitation of freedom, the introduction of the green pass and the mandatory vaccination for some categories of workers, stating that the vaccine prevents the transmission of the virus.

Reality has shown that this is NOT true. Why then, keep lying?

If, and I repeat if, the Covid vaccine prevents serious disease (but official data and a part of the medical scientific world say the opposite), the choice to get vaccinated must remain an individual choice without retaliation against those who decide not to do so.

Science and medicine require comparison, data analysis, large-scale trial tests with data shared and made public. This is not happening with these Covid vaccines.

Any doctor who dares to bring data demonstrating the danger or ineffectiveness of these vaccines is, at best, mocked (just look at what happened to Prof. Montagnier) or even suspended or disbarred (one for all, Prof. Frajese).

To you, who at times, remind me that a degree in medicine or virology takes years of study, I want to remind you that it required the same years of study for these doctors who were disbarred.

I also want to remember that these doctors deserve the same respect, as all the other doctors and that the free citizens (I, like many others) who give them visibility, who report their research and their studies, do not have the ambition to be doctors, but only to give voice to those who are deliberately ignored, mocked or silenced.

Science is not an absolute faith, but a method of study, knowledge and discovery.

Using "science" to denigrate and perhaps even eliminate all alternatives, means using a well-deserved reputation to encourage dogmatism contrary to the spirit of those who have earned it.

I am not an Italian citizen and therefore I am not entitled to vote in this coming election.

But I think it is right that each politicians, must inform the voters how they intend to behave for the future regarding our health, the vaccination mandates, the green pass, the compensations for adverse reactions from Covid vaccines, mental health of our children destroyed by school restrictions.

Ask them, FORCE them to get out of the distinctions and ambiguous wording.

So at least there won't be any surprises.





August 03th, 2022 15:03

Chiarissimo il suo pensiero Heatehr, con il quale mi trovo perfettamente in linea.
Io credo che alla base di tutto ciò ci sia la chiara intenzione (solamente chi non lo vede ci accuserà di complottismo) di annullare completamente non solo la leggittima sovranità che abbiamo tutti noi per diritto naturale sul nostro corpo, ma anche quella di poter "pensare criticamente", perchè se è verissimo come lei dice che la scienza ha dietro di se anni e anni di studi e di metodo empirico è altresì vero che il nostro pensiero critico di cui sopra (supportato da cifre ormai evidenti anche a chi non vede...) deve stare sempre al di sopra di ogni obbligo e forzatura.
L'istinto umano è alla base di ogni scoperta scientifica che sia stata fatta fin da quando l'uomo cammina su due zampe, ed è su questo istinto che dobbiamo basare le nostre credenze, convinzioni e decisioni.
In altre parole sto parlando del "libero arbitrio" che ognuno ha dentro di se: questo non ce lo devono e non ce lo possono togliere.
Vivremo e stiamo vivendo i peggiori anni della nostra vita, ma vinceremo noi. L'UOMO vincerà.
Grazie davvero signora Parisi per la battaglia che sta conducendo per tutti noi "sconosciuti", e aggiungo come augurio finale: AD MAIORA

Paolo, Roma.

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