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Let's give many a smile

Posted December 04th, 2020

A few months ago I received an email from the very kind Alessandra Sensini who illustrated to me her work and the many who follow the Salesi Onlus Hospital Foundation in Ancona.

I immediately had great admiration for their initiative and I decided to offer my small contribution with a lot of affection and closeness.

The Salesi Foundation of Ancona carries out projects and activities in the departments to contribute to the improvement of the psycho-physical well-being and conditions of discomfort of the little patients and their families.

It is a Marche excellence, being the center that has the responsibility of ensuring high specialization at the service not only of patients from the Marche region, but also of the other neighboring regions of the center-south.

At this time when the isolation for children, patients of the Pediatric Hospital of Ancona, is perhaps even harder, the foundation has not stopped giving smiles and activities thanks to its professionals and volunteer operators.

A great effort in tune with what pediatric hospitals are doing to improve the lives of children under treatment. At the center of attention is therefore not only the disease, but the person and his needs.

The Salesi Hospital has been working on this aspect for some time thanks to the Foundation for being the place where, in addition to medical care, it is important to cultivate the well-being of little patients, mothers and fathers.

Let's give a smile and make Christmas special in the wards of the Salesi Hospital in Ancona with some donations that can be made on their website




December 04th, 2020 13:56

I bambini trasmettono sempre gioia, non dobbiamo dimenticarlo mai. L'infanzia è un periodo magico, quando la cosa più importante è divertirsi e stare insieme. Anche per questo, la malattia severa in una piccola creatura, è qualcosa di incomprensibile. I bambini hanno molto da insegnare a noi adulti che facciamo un po' troppa difficoltà ad apprezzare le piccole cose e ci aiutano a guardare quello che ci circonda con stupore e semplicità. We must use time wisely and forever realize that the time is always ripe to do right. May the sweet magic of the Christmas season be with all of you, always, dear children! And, may your wish list come true.

December 24th, 2020 11:40

Buon Natale Cara Heather per te e la tua bella famiglia :) Bacci dalla Bulgaria

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