Blog News
Blind Maze
Federica Rotolo special guest at Heather Parisi Live
Federica Rotolo is told through the memory of her unforgettable mother, Stefania.
Save the date DOMENICA 14 NOVEMBRE...
I Spy with My Little Eye
I Spy with My Little Eye... Riddle me this, riddle me that, it's a guessing game... Who on earth am I talking about? You will find out on HeatherParisiTV ... HPA
On the top of my Roof
You must NEVER stop! Today it rains, indeed it pours cats & dogs but I Want to Sudare does not stop! We do it at my house, indeed on the roof of my house !!! I wait for you on Buona HeatherVisione HPA

Asia shhh ....
Dear Asia Argento, Please forgive my sincerity. If you don't want to accept Selvaggia Lucarelli's view and judgement, then accept it at least from someone who, as a dancer, with discreet success (yes, I am being facetious!)...

"Just one second....."....
Beirut, Lebanon Lebanese Tv host, Rima Karaki has become an online sensation after abruptly and unexpectably ending her interview with Islamist Sheikha Hani Sibai .... She asked her guest a question about how Islamic State...

Odds and ends ....
Glancing at Mara's entranced face, and the euphoria of Alfonso Signorini's brouhaha while they are admiring the general outbursts of Rocco Siffredi's "tools of trade" .... I simply ask myself: "Did you really need to build up a reality show...

O tempora, o mores! ....
Which is the exact "cultural amount" of the Italian television users? .... Is it each and every one of the 5 and a half million people who gazed in on this years' "Island of the Famous" (?) .... Instead of continuously asking and wondering...

The twilight of the Gods ....
Talent shows are the twilight of television today, which are extremely short on ideas .... And Raffaella Carra' is the sorrowful proof that she is living in the past, recalling her memories .... My idea of show business...

Mirka the heckler ....
Swiss vs. Swiss ....could have been the title, but then again little sweet "Roger" is the apple of everyone's eye or of anyone dreaming of becoming a Tennis champ, so I wouldn't dare approach that sort of caption .... Let's just say that...

Fed himself to an anaconda ...
The new reality show "Eaten Alive", has Peta campaigners not sleeping at night...and probably the rest of the world, if by any chance it is true. On Discovery Channel, airing December 7, a man, it claims, was eaten alive by an anaconda...